Koroll & Company Blog

Exploring Options for Canadian Businesses When Debt Becomes a Problem

Written by Koroll & Company | Oct 2, 2023 12:45:00 PM

Managing business debt can be a challenging task for Canadian business owners. Whether it's due to unexpected financial hurdles or poor financial management, accumulating debt can hinder the growth and stability of your company.

The good news is that there are several avenues of support available to help businesses overcome this obstacle. 

Today, we’ll look at five valuable options that Canadian businesses can consider when seeking assistance for managing debt.

  1. Debt Restructuring and Negotiation

When businesses find themselves burdened by debt, debt restructuring and negotiation can be viable options to consider. This approach involves working with creditors to negotiate more favorable terms, such as reduced interest rates, extended repayment periods, or even debt forgiveness. 

Debt restructuring can alleviate financial strain by providing businesses with breathing room to regain their footing while ensuring that they honour their financial obligations.

  1. Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation involves combining multiple debts into a single loan or line of credit, simplifying the repayment process. By consolidating debts, businesses can potentially benefit from lower interest rates and a more manageable monthly payment structure. 

This option can help streamline financial management, reduce stress, and improve cash flow by providing a clear path towards debt resolution.

  1. Bankruptcy Protection

While bankruptcy may carry a negative connotation, it can be a viable solution for businesses overwhelmed by debt with no realistic prospects for recovery. 

In Canada, businesses have three main bankruptcy options for business: 

  1. Personal bankruptcy for small businesses, including sole proprietorships and partnerships.
  2. Business bankruptcy for incorporated companies. 
  3. Division I proposals for businesses (and individuals) who have debts over $250,000.


  1. Debt Management Programs

Debt management programs (DMPs) are arrangements made between businesses and credit counseling agencies. These programs aim to consolidate debts and establish a repayment plan that aligns with the business's financial capabilities. 

DMPs offer a structured approach to debt repayment, often involving reduced interest rates and waived fees, allowing businesses to regain control of their finances gradually.

  1. Financial Assistance Programs

The Canadian government, along with various provincial and territorial bodies, provides financial assistance programs to support struggling businesses. These programs offer loans, grants, and other forms of financial aid to help businesses recover from debt and improve their financial stability. 

Exploring government initiatives, such as the Canada Small Business Financing Program or regional economic development programs, can provide much-needed relief and a chance for businesses to get back on track.

  1. Seeking Professional Advice

When facing a debt crisis, seeking professional advice from accountants, financial advisors, or business consultants can be instrumental in identifying the most suitable options for a business's unique circumstances. And it should often be your first step. 

These professionals can conduct financial assessments, develop strategic plans, assist with budgeting and cash flow management, and provide guidance on debt restructuring and negotiation. All of which can help you turn your financial situation around quickly and efficiently. 

Don’t Let Your Debt Continue to Spiral Out of Control 

Debt-related challenges can be daunting for Canadian businesses, but they aren’t insurmountable. With the array of options available, businesses can take proactive steps towards addressing their debts and securing their financial future. 

If you would like to discuss your options, the team of chartered professional accounts at Koroll & Company is here to help. Contact us today. Our professionals have the experience and expertise needed to find you the simplest path forward and guide you towards financial security and stability.