Personal Tax

Below is a list of signature forms and worksheets to assist with your tax planning.  Download to your computer to enter your information and print or save a copy for our office.

Special Trust Announcement

  • 2023 Trust Updates Announcement
    It is important that all taxpayers read this. There are updates to trust reporting that may affect personal tax payers. They could also be a trustee of a trust and need to file an additional return.

Update Your Information

  • Identification Form - 2023
    MANDATORY form to maintain accurate information for your tax return preparation. Most people experience changes to their tax situation every year and the tax department has new questions.  This organizer keeps us both up-to-date with details that are easily overlooked.
  • List of Dependants
    Dependants can be children or adults who depend on you for care or finances, whether or not they live with you. This list will help you identify situations that could impact your tax return.

Annual Tax Checklist

  • Personal Tax Checklist - 2023
    A tax checklist can facilitate the process of pulling together your tax information. This tax checklist is designed for most tax situations for Ontario taxpayers.  Utilize the sections that are relevant to your situation.  Completing the checklist will ensure you don’t miss any available credits.

New Clients Authorizations

Annual Signatures