
Koroll & Company Blog

Navigating the 2024 Changes to Canada’s Capital Gains Inclusion Rate: What You Need to Know

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2024 1:09:43 PM / by Koroll & Company posted in Corporate, Tax Tips

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Since the 2024 federal budget announcement and the increase in the capital gains inclusion rate became effective June 25, 2024, the increased tax rate has garnered significant public attention. 

If this impacted you, you must know what capital gains are and how the new federal budget impacts individuals and business owners moving forward.

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How Accounting Audits Safeguard Your Business Against Fraud

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 28, 2024 10:51:58 AM / by Koroll & Company posted in Corporate

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Fraud, a persistent concern in the business world, can wreak havoc on finances, reputation, and trust. But with vigilant auditing practices, businesses can detect, deter, and prevent fraudulent activities. 

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Canada Extends CEBA Repayment and Loan Forgiveness for Businesses

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 13, 2023 11:43:54 AM / by Koroll & Company posted in Corporate, CRA

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In a move to support small businesses and not-for-profit organizations, the Canadian government has extended the deadlines for the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan repayments. 

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Understanding Employee Expenses in Canada For Commissioned Employees

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 13, 2023 10:53:00 AM / by Koroll & Company posted in Corporate

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In Canada, a significant portion of the workforce operates on a commissioned basis, where their earnings are based on sales or other performance-related metrics. 

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Tackling Business Debt in Canada: The Role of Accounting Professionals

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 4, 2023 11:30:00 AM / by Koroll & Company posted in Corporate

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Running a business can be a rewarding endeavor, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Among these challenges, managing debt is a common hurdle faced by Canadian businesses

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Exploring Options for Canadian Businesses When Debt Becomes a Problem

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 2, 2023 8:45:00 AM / by Koroll & Company posted in Corporate

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Managing business debt can be a challenging task for Canadian business owners. Whether it's due to unexpected financial hurdles or poor financial management, accumulating debt can hinder the growth and stability of your company.

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The Importance of Credit Scores for Ontario Businesses

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 15, 2023 9:15:00 AM / by Koroll & Company posted in Corporate

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If you’ve ever had to finance a car, get a mortgage, apply for a credit card or take out any other form of personal loan, chances are you’ve learned the importance of a good credit score. 

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The Importance Of Getting Your Minute Book In Order

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 25, 2023 10:20:00 AM / by Allen Koroll posted in Education, Corporate, Small Business

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When you get into the ebb and flow of the day to day - buying supplies, selling goods and services, fulfilling customer orders, getting more business – there are a lot of things that fall by the wayside. And staying up to date with company records is one of them for many business owners. 

If you own a corporation in Canada, one record you are required to keep is an up to date company minute book. Which is something that some business owners aren’t aware of.

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